I arrived early, around ~5am. already did the exams I had for the morning (blood test, ecg and radiography) — all routine stuff. unsure of the "consequences" of sharing too much here.
well, now I'm at my favorite coffee shop and got a capuccino, and it's a real privillege to have the opportunity of doing this.
about the game, I feel like I'm thinking all the time about it, but I feel a bit unsure on architectural decisions, I should just make something and improve while I learn it
isleward is a game that served as reference to me in discovering how they've done some things, but there's still some things that doesn't make much sense on my mind. whatever, let's see if I can get something working
added this as a game loop for my project (the 2018 update, not the original one), works well enough as a replacement to my previous const tick = () => { update(); setTimeout(tick, 300); }
making online games is tough… not only due to networking complexity, but the fact that there's lot of changes that can't be seem visually and it looks like you did any progress…
I have a chunk system integrated with LDTK editor in order to render and process only pieces of the map that surrounds the player, the thing is that I need to reflect this on the collisions graph as well (players move by Tiles following A* algorithm for pathfinding), and since each chunks hold both its (graphical) tile and collision data, as it I can only move inside the chunk I am, so every click to adjacent chunk tiles is ignored. In order to solve that my plan is to:
hopefully these notes will help remind me of this later, now I should get going… as soon as I can enter the hotel room I'll have to start working so I don't know when I'll be continuing this implementation
I'm on the hotel room, just connected to the wi-fi, let's see how much work can I get done until ECHO (echocardiogram) I have scheduled 15:00 (3pm)
wow, that was exactly one hour. anyway, got some things going on but since I have to keep track of the time (I need to leave here around ~13:40 so I have time to eat before the ECHO). I'm also taking this blog as an opportunity to ignore the buzz regarding the new Meta-microblogging-social-media™️ instead of complaining about it on other social media